Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yules of the Game - Repeats

Sorry to have been quiet recently - other stuff kept me from the computer these last few days. I'll have the next Perfect candidates post up as soon as I can manage. Until then here's a couple of fairly obvious but still important Yules of the Game...

No repeats rule (Songs)- No song should appear on a single disc more than once. This rule is both easy and hard to follow. Easy because there are so darn many great Christmas songs out there that filling 80 minutes without repeat should be a breeze - hard because there are so darn many great performances out there of the most classic Christmas songs that choosing only one version will take a bit of soul searching in some cases.

No Repeats Rule (Performers) - In theory I like this rule but in practice keeping the likes of Bing, Perry, Andy, Nat, Frank and quite a few others down to a single track per disc will be tough. However I'll try to stick to the letter of the law as long as I can.

I'll be back tonight (or maybe tomorrow) with another list of candidates plus I'll knock a few earlier candidates off the master list.